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Dusk to Dawn II

3 February, 2024

Dusk to Dawn II

12Hours Night Run Festival Challenge

How Long can you Run/Walk in 12 hours? Well, endurance running is here with us and we are going out of the way to challenge your beliefs on just how long we all can walk or run.

On Saturday 17th August at 6.00 pm challengers will line up at the start line for what will be the start of a night-long challenge this time it won’t be about the fastest but who can last for 12 hours and while at it achieve the highest distance.

This challenge will bring together walkers and runners in a night of fun, running, and good music to cheer the challengers as they go round the track repeatedly.

Challenge Program

1600hrs          Arrival & Registration

1630hrs          Assembly at Parklands Sports Club Main Field

1700hrs           Briefing and Stretching

1800hrs           Start of the Challenge

0600hrs           Finish Time and Award of Winners

Challenge Rules

  1. Winners will be required to show tracked distance with a credible app/sport swatch It is the athlete’s responsibility to ensure their devices last throughout the challenge.
  2. Distance admission will be from 6 pm to 6 am and done on the designated loop only.
  3. Support is allowed at the support tent adjacent to the track all night. Bring your support team.

Winner Perks

We will have Awards for the Winners. We have Custom wood-engraved medals for the winners. These can be yours and other goodies from our partners.

Finisher Perks

We will have a custom finisher medal on which the name and distance of the participants will be included. The medal will be at an extra cost to willing athletes of KES 1,000 payable at the venue on the day of the challenge.

How to Join the Challenge

  1. Participants will be required to pay a registration fee of KES 1200 to:
    MPESA Paybill No.: 7733330
    Account: Your Name – NightRun
  2. Fill the Registration form at the bottom of this page. Or click on the link below;
  3. Show up by 4:00 pm on 17th August at Parklands Sports Club, Ojijo Road.

Athlete’s Comfort Food & Beverages

We will have a tent set up by the track for support and rest for the athletes as well as participants. The common support items will only be accessible to challengers/athletes.

The Club will run a Cash service for Food and Beverages for the athletes as well as spectators. Our MC and DJ will keep the crowd entertained as they cheer the challengers to push their limits.


Bucketlist Adventures – +254 757 880 880

Munyaka Njiru – +254 725 157 834

Jemoh Maina,

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